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Wiffle Ball Tournament

Saturday, October 14th, 2017
10:30 AM

Wiffle Ball Tournament

Please join us for our 2017 Wiffle Ball Tournament at Jimmy John’s Field starting at 10:30am Saturday, October 14th!
$50 registration fee per team.

Register Your Team Here –

USPBL Whiffle Ball Tournament
~ Officially sanctioned by the USPBL staff for a 20 team tournament
~ USPBL Prizes!!
First Place Team: One night in a Cabana Suite for a 2018 USPBL Game
Best Team Name: Bobbleheads/T Shirt
Best Team Uniform: Beavers Championship T Shirt

~ Bracket draw party directly before the tournament (10:30am) where all players will be
invited to witness live who they will be playing and when as we blind draw the opening
round pool play match-ups.
~ Jimmy John’s Field will be packed with vendors, spectators, and offer full concessions
~There will be a Home Run Derby held after the second round of the Whiffle Ball
Tournament for the team participants who lost in their first game. Not everyone on the
team is required to participate, although all team members who lost their first game will
be eligible. Each batter will receive 12 pitches. The batter with the most home runs at the
end of the derby will be declared the winner. In the case of a tie, a subsequent round of 6
pitches will be used to determine the outright winner.


  1. The tournament will be played under single game loss elimination. If your team loses in the first round, you will be given the opportunity to participate in a Home Run Derby held after the second round of the Whiffle Ball Tournament. Not everyone on the team is required to participate, although all team members who lost their first game will be eligible. Each batter will receive 12 pitches. The batter with the most home runs at the end of the derby will be declared the winner. In the case of a tie, a subsequent round of 6 pitches will be used to determine the outright winner.
  2. Pool play matchups will be determined via a blind draw at the USPBL Wiffle Ball Tournament Kickoff Party at Jimmy Johns Field just before the start of the tournament (10:30am).
  3. Any disputes over game outcomes will be handled by the tournament official assigned to the game field. Requests to escalate issues further will be directed to the tournament director, whose decision is final and binding.


  1. Only the white baseball sized official “Wiffle Ball” (eight slots) will be used in this tournament. These are the only balls that may be used in games. Any balls torn more than a ¼ of an inch will be removed from game play and replaced.
  2. No foreign matter may be added to the ball. Balls may not be scuffed with any foreign objects during play. Violation of either rule results in a forfeit for the offending team.
  3. The official skinny yellow Wiffle bats will be the only ones allowed for use in the tournament. Bats may not be modified in any way. Outside yellow bats are not permitted, even the model shown below. Tournament issued bats must be used.
  4. No metal spikes are allowed. Plastic cleats are allowed.
  5. No baseball mitts (bare hands).
  6. Batting gloves may be worn, but only when batting and not while in the field.


  1. Teams may consist of three or four players. All players bat in a predetermined order. Only three players play in the field, the pitcher and two fielders.
  2. The names submitted at time of registration are the only players that can play on your team in the tournament. Revisions to team rosters will be allowed up until 10 minutes before the start of the tournament.
  3. You must have a minimum of two players to play. Less than two players present at 5 minutes past your scheduled start time results in a forfeit.
  4. For four person teams, substitutions cannot take place in the middle of an inning, unless a pitching change is made. The three fielders you start the inning with must play that entire inning if no pitching change is made. The only exception would be in the event of an injury.
  5. If a player is injured during the game and cannot continue, the team may continue on with two players if they choose to. The injured player cannot return to the game.
  6. Uniforms are not required, but are encouraged. There will be prizes for the best team uniforms.


  1. Balls that touch in fair territory on or past the singles line are singles. This would include balls that land on a fly past the singles line, or ground balls that are not cleanly fielded before they pass and touch the ground on or past the line. Ball must be fielded in front of the fielder for it to be recorded as an out or caught on the fly. Fielders must be behind the singles line when pitches are thrown, but may come up in front of them to field ground balls to prevent them from being singles. Balls that are hit and do not reach the singles line will be ruled a foul ball unless a fielder fields it before it stops rolling in which case it will be ruled an out. This will be a common scenario.
  2. Balls that touch the ground in fair territory on or past the doubles line are doubles (doubles line is located at the start of the green outfield turf). Again, on the fly, or on a line.
  3. Balls that hit the home run fence or warning track in fair territory on a fly (even if tipped/touched by a fielder) are triples. If a line drive hits a fielders hand standing behind the doubles line, bounces off and hits the fence on a fly, that is still a triple.
  4. Balls hit over the home run fence between the two foul poles are home runs.
  5. If a runner is on base and there is a ground ball out, the lead runner will be ruled out (no double plays).
  6. Balls knocked over the home run fence by a fielder attempting to rob it are home runs.
  7. Balls that hit the foul poles are fair balls and home runs.
  8. Any fly balls dropped by a fielder in fair territory are hits, either a single, double or triple, depending on where the dropped ball lands.
  9. Popped up foul balls may be caught for outs. If dropped in foul territory, they are considered foul.
  10. Any ball that touches the ground in foul play past the singles line is considered a foul ball, even if it bounces back into fair play.
  11. Ground balls that do not make it to or past the singles line that are not fielded before they stop rolling are considered foul balls. Fielders must field ground balls in front of the singles line before they stop moving or spinning for them to be counted as outs.
  12. Ground balls in fair play that touch the ground on or past the singles line before being fielded are considered singles.
  13. Bobbled ground balls, defined as the ball hitting the ground again after hitting any part of a fielder’s body, are singles, even if bobbled/touched in front of the singles line.
  14. There is no tag up, sacrifice fly play, or double play rules in this tournament.
  15. Caught fly balls are outs and the runners do not advance.
  16. The field generals will make calls if needed on whether or not check swings are strikes or balls, close plays on foul/fair balls, and whether or not a ball hits the ground on or past the singles/doubles lines.
  17. Tournament field generals will be assigned to the field to settle any and all other disputes.
  18. Ghost runners are used for on the base paths.


  1. A pitcher cannot pitch more than three innings in a game, with an “inning” being defined as throwing one pitch in any inning. This means teams may not pitch all pitchers in the first inning, needing to save one to potentially pitch the 2nd/3rd inning, thus not exceeding the three innings pitched rule. The only exception would be an extra inning game that would see a team’s last pitcher have to throw more than three innings to finish the game.
  2. Pitchers may not re-enter the game as a pitcher under any circumstances. Pitchers must face at least one complete batter before being replaced by a relief pitcher. If a team has expended all pitchers and is on their last pitcher, that must finish the game as the pitcher, even if it causes the pitcher to exceed the three inning limit.
  3. New pitchers get five warm up pitches before the start of the game or when coming into the game. Pitchers get three warm up pitches before the start of a new inning. All pitchers get three warm up pitches before the start of the second and all subsequent innings.
  4. Distracting jewelry or clothing (as decided by tournament officials) may not be worn by pitchers.
  5. Counts: 4 Balls, 3 strikes.
  6. Pitcher’s mound is 42’ from the back point of home plate.
  7. Strike zone will be determined by the strike zone target behind home plate with the assistance of the home plate umpire.
  8. This is fast pitch style tournament.

Register Today!