Nerf Night Presented by Fairytale Entertainment / Fireworks Spectacular
Friday, June 14th, 2019
7:05 PM
Try out the new Nerf Party from Fairytale Entertainment
Gates Open at 6 p.m.
Kids Run the Bases After Every Game!
USPBL Dance Crew and JJ The Field General perform at every game.
Nerf Night
Practice your aim with different Nerf products, thanks to Fairytale Entertainment! Fans can go to the sound stage in right-center field to win prizes by hitting the targets, and Nerf games will be going on throughout the ballpark for kids to win candy prizes as well.
Fat Tire Friday
$1 off Fat Tire at the New Belgium Brewing Topped Fries stand.
Friday Fireworks Spectacular
Stick around after the game to watch the Friday Fireworks Spectacular Show!