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Fireworks Friday presented by XFINITY / Blackjack the Border Collie / Oakland University Night

Friday, June 23rd, 2017
7:05 PM

Fireworks Friday, Blackjack the Border Collie performs and celebrate the Golden Grizzlies at Oakland University Night

An action-packed Friday night at Jimmy John’s Field.  Blackjack the Border Collie will be performing, it’s Oakland University night and there will be fireworks after the game presented by XFINITY!  OU students receive $5 off a grandstand ticket with use of promo code (OU2017) or student ID.  Grizz, the mascot will be at the game, along with performances by the cheer/dance squad and the National Anthem will be performed by the fraternity, Phi Mu Alpha.

Click HERE for more information on Oakland University Night.

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